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Park Commission Minutes 3/2/11
Monterey Parks Commission
Present: Gary, Josh, Jessica, Bettina
The February meeting minutes were approved as written
Skating Party- 2/21 1-3PM
  • 75 people attended
  • Monterey General Store Supplied the food
  • The games were a big success.
  • $250 was received from the Germain Family to the Parks Commission, mentioning how much they enjoy the skating rink. Josh gave the check to Melissa. There is an additional $300 in the fund right now.  Bettina will look into getting a skate sharpener for the pavilion.
  • Ira Transport wants to donate money for a bench in honor of his parents. The Town Treasurer said  that we must approve the design and placement.
Rink Breakdown
  • April 9th will be the date for the Rink Breakdown at 9:30AM
  • Bettina will notify Will Marsh to invite people to volunteer to help
  • Jessica will contact Ken about supplying coffee and doughnuts
Dog Park Bylaw:
On the advice of the Town Counsel, we do not have to hold a separate meeting to discuss the wording change to the bylaw.  Josh will give new wording to the clerk to be put on the Warrant.

  • Josh to ask Melissa to put the application on the town website
  • Josh to put ad in the Shoppers Guide for the next 2 weeks.(March 10th and 17th)
  • Josh will order picnic tables and ropes for the beach.
Submitted by,
Gary Shaw